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Do you need help concerning my software? Do you want to get additional information about this website or its contents? The forum is here to bring you answers. Post here your questions and comments about this website, about my software, my music... or more generally, about a topic directly or indirectly related to the website (software programming, games, freeware programs...), so that the other site visitors or myself can help you.
Please respect the rules of the forum when you post a message, so that the other people can answer you in the most brief delays.
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General Discussion - Post here any messages which are related to the subjects covered by the website, but which can't fit into another forum category.
Help and Support - You have questions about the website, you are encountering problems with my software and need some help? This section will certainly give you answers.
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Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) - This read-only section groups questions I'm often asked by the users on my different creations.
Guestbook - Do you want to leave me a general appreciation for my website or my whole work? The guestbook is here for that purpose!