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20 song cover arrangements from miscellaneous users matching keywords "The Weird Pianist" are available.

Displaying arrangements 1 to 20

Für Elise Black MIDI 620,000 Notes - ChickenAndBiscuits1357 - Ludwig van Beethoven

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Für Elise Black MIDI 620,000 Notes - ChickenAndBiscuits1357 - Ludwig van Beethoven

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Für Elise Black MIDI 620,000 Notes - ChickenAndBiscuits1357
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Ludwig van Beethoven
Released on: 07-10-2015
Duration: 02:50

Original song information
Original track's title: Für Elise
Year: 1810

Turkish March - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~ Black MIDI by Thomass (Turkish March - Rondo Alla Turca)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Turkish March - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~ Black MIDI by Thomass (Turkish March - Rondo Alla Turca)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Turkish March - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~ Black MIDI by Thomass
Composer(s): Thomass
Original composer(s): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Released on: 03-17-2015
Duration: 02:59

Original song information
Original track's title: Turkish March - Rondo Alla Turca
Year: 1784

[Black MIDI] Merry Christmas!! - Z-Doc - Z-Doc Piano Player (Z-Doc's Christmas Special)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

[Black MIDI] Merry Christmas!!  -  Z-Doc - Z-Doc Piano Player (Z-Doc's Christmas Special)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Merry Christmas!! - Z-Doc
Composer(s): Z-Doc Piano Player
Released on: 12-25-2014
Duration: 04:44

Original song information
Original track's title: Z-Doc's Christmas Special
Year: 2014

Daisi - Georgian Dance

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Daisi - Georgian Dance

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Daisi - Georgian Dance
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Released on: 11-14-2014
Duration: 02:16

Original song information
Original track's title: Daisi
Year: 2014

Waltz No. 2 "Suite for Variety Orchestra" - Dmitri Shostakovich (Waltz No. 2 - Suite for Variety Orchestra)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Waltz No. 2 "Suite for Variety Orchestra" - Dmitri Shostakovich (Waltz No. 2 - Suite for Variety Orchestra)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Waltz No. 2 "Suite for Variety Orchestra" - Dmitri Shostakovich
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Dmitri Shostakovich
Released on: 10-31-2014
Duration: 03:42

Original song information
Original track's title: Waltz No. 2 - Suite for Variety Orchestra
Year: 1956

Lezginka - National Caucasian Dance

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Lezginka - National Caucasian Dance

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Lezginka - National Caucasian Dance
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Released on: 10-25-2014
Duration: 03:53

Original song information
Original track's title: Lezginka
Year: 2014

The Fox (What does the Fox Say?) 1.1 Million Notes - Ylvis // Blacked by Gingeas (What Does The Fox Say? - The Fox)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

The Fox (What does the Fox Say?) 1.1 Million Notes - Ylvis // Blacked by Gingeas (What Does The Fox Say?  - The Fox)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: The Fox (What does the Fox Say?) 1.1 Million Notes - Ylvis // Blacked by Gingeas
Composer(s): Gingeas
Original composer(s): Ylvis
Released on: 09-15-2014
Duration: 03:55

Original song information
Original track's title: What Does The Fox Say? (The Fox)
Year: 2013

Haiku - Music Magic DI

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Haiku - Music Magic DI

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Haiku - Music Magic DI
Composer(s): Music Magic DI
Released on: 08-28-2014
Duration: 01:59

Original song information
Original track's title: Haiku
Year: 2014

Prélude in D Minor - William Babell (Prelude in D Minor)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Prélude in D Minor - William Babell (Prelude in D Minor)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Prélude in D Minor - William Babell
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): William Babell
Released on: 08-26-2014
Duration: 01:42

Original song information
Original track's title: Prelude in D Minor
Year: 2014

Piano Piece in C Major - Niccolò Paganini

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Piano Piece in C Major - Niccolò Paganini

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Piano Piece in C Major - Niccolò Paganini
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Niccolò Paganini
Released on: 07-29-2014
Duration: 01:04

Original song information
Original track's title: Piano Piece in C Major
Year: 2014

Вставай Страна Огромная - Vtavay Strana Agromnaya - Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov (The Sacred War - Vyashchennaya Voyna, aka. Vtavay Strana Agromnaya)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Вставай Страна Огромная - Vtavay Strana Agromnaya - Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov (The Sacred War  - Vyashchennaya Voyna, aka. Vtavay Strana Agromnaya)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Вставай Страна Огромная - Vtavay Strana Agromnaya
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov
Released on: 07-28-2014
Duration: 03:36

Original song information
Original track's title: The Sacred War (Vyashchennaya Voyna, aka. Vtavay Strana Agromnaya)
Year: 1941

ჩიტო გვრიტო - გია ყანჩელი // Chito Gvrito - Giya Kancheli

Made by The Weird Pianist.

ჩიტო გვრიტო - გია ყანჩელი // Chito Gvrito - Giya Kancheli

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: ჩიტო გვრიტო - გია ყანჩელი // Chito Gvrito - Giya Kancheli
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Giya Kancheli
Released on: 07-26-2014
Duration: 02:18

Original song information
Original track's title: Chito Gvrito
Year: 2014

Air in D Minor - Henry Purcell

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Air in D Minor - Henry Purcell

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Air in D Minor - Henry Purcell
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Henry Purcell
Released on: 07-23-2014
Duration: 00:35

Original song information
Original track's title: Air in D Minor
Year: 1693

Підманула Підвела // Pidmanula Pidvela (updated video)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Підманула Підвела // Pidmanula Pidvela (updated video)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Підманула Підвела // Pidmanula Pidvela (updated video)
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Released on: 07-14-2014
Duration: 03:10

Original song information
Original track's title: Pidmanula Pidvela
Year: 2014

Prèlude in E Minor - William Babell (Prelude in E Minor)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Prèlude in E Minor - William Babell (Prelude in E Minor)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Prèlude in E Minor - William Babell
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): William Babell
Released on: 07-14-2014
Duration: 01:07

Original song information
Original track's title: Prelude in E Minor
Year: 2014

Prèlude in D Minor - Anton Bruckner (Video + Sheet Music) (Prelude in D Minor)

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Prèlude in D Minor - Anton Bruckner (Video + Sheet Music) (Prelude in D Minor)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Prèlude in D Minor - Anton Bruckner (Video + Sheet Music)
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Anton Bruckner
Released on: 07-11-2014
Duration: 01:13

Original song information
Original track's title: Prelude in D Minor
Year: 2014

Allegro in D Minor - Carl Friedrich Abel

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Allegro in D Minor - Carl Friedrich Abel

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Allegro in D Minor - Carl Friedrich Abel
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Carl Friedrich Abel
Released on: 07-07-2014
Duration: 04:12

Original song information
Original track's title: Allegro in D Minor
Year: 2014

Menuett - Niccolò Paganini

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Menuett - Niccolò Paganini

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Menuett - Niccolò Paganini
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Niccolò Paganini
Released on: 07-03-2014
Duration: 00:52

Original song information
Original track's title: Menuet
Year: 2014

Polka in D Minor - Mikhail Glinka

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Polka in D Minor - Mikhail Glinka

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Polka in D Minor - Mikhail Glinka
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Mikhail Glinka
Released on: 06-26-2014
Duration: 00:32

Original song information
Original track's title: Polka in D Minor
Year: 1849

Rosenrot - Rammstein

Made by The Weird Pianist.

Rosenrot - Rammstein

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Rosenrot - Rammstein
Composer(s): The Weird Pianist
Original composer(s): Rammstein
Released on: 06-13-2014
Duration: 04:22

Original song information
Original track's title: Rosenrot
Year: 2005

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