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Music arrangements in MIDI format - Arachno SoundFont

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1379 arrangements from miscellaneous categories from miscellaneous users matching keywords "21" are available.

Displaying arrangements 1 to 100 - Next page

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 10: Luminous Gloom (END) - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 10: Luminous Gloom (END) - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 10: Luminous Gloom (END)
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-14-2024
Duration: 05:22

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Delicate Deity - Daily 2024 Music Upload (102 / 366) - Eltrotraw

Made by Eltrotraw.

Delicate Deity - Daily 2024 Music Upload (102 / 366) - Eltrotraw

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Delicate Deity - Daily 2024 Music Upload (102 / 366)
Composer(s): Eltrotraw
Released on: 04-13-2024
Duration: 04:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Delicate Deity
Year: 2024

"The Forgotten Land" - Tangerine Nightmare OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06] - Mark Klem, Marc Pullen, Eros Necropsique, James Paddock (Jimmy), Tristan Clark (Eris Falling), Hitoshi Sakimoto, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Petter Mårtensen

Made by DemonizedSoundtracks.

"The Forgotten Land" - Tangerine Nightmare OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06] - Mark Klem, Marc Pullen, Eros Necropsique, James Paddock (Jimmy), Tristan Clark (Eris Falling), Hitoshi Sakimoto, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Petter Mårtensen

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: "The Forgotten Land" - Tangerine Nightmare OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06]
Composer(s): DemonizedSoundtracks
Original composer(s): Mark Klem, Marc Pullen, Eros Necropsique, James Paddock (Jimmy), Tristan Clark (Eris Falling), Hitoshi Sakimoto, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Petter Mårtensen
Released on: 04-12-2024
Duration: 21:53

Original game information
Game: Tangerine Nightmare
Game developer(s): French Doom Community
Released by: French Doom Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2017

Don't Turn Your Back on the City (UV-Max Demo) - Trashbang

Made by Yrriban.

Don't Turn Your Back on the City (UV-Max Demo) - Trashbang

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Don't Turn Your Back on the City (UV-Max Demo)
Composer(s): Trashbang
Released on: 04-12-2024
Duration: 11:51

Original game information
Game: Don't Turn Your Back On The City
Game developer(s): Trashbang
Released by: Trashbang
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 09: Mysteriosis - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 09: Mysteriosis - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 09: Mysteriosis
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-08-2024
Duration: 09:38

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 08: Ascension - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 08: Ascension - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 08: Ascension
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-07-2024
Duration: 05:42

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 07: The Egg Splice - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 07: The Egg Splice - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 07: The Egg Splice
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-06-2024
Duration: 06:41

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 06: Swamp Thing - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 06: Swamp Thing - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 06: Swamp Thing
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-05-2024
Duration: 11:47

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 05: Mourning Breath - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 05: Mourning Breath - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 05: Mourning Breath
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-04-2024
Duration: 00:07

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

"Communications Relay" - TNT Revolution OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06] - Final DOOM - TNT: Revilution

Made by DemonizedSoundtracks.

"Communications Relay" - TNT Revolution OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06] - Final DOOM - TNT: Revilution

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: "Communications Relay" - TNT Revolution OST {GUS/Fluidsynth/ADL/Arachno/SC-55} (HQ) [Map06]
Composer(s): Bucket
Released on: 04-03-2024
Duration: 21:45

Original game information
Game: Final DOOM - TNT: Revilution
Original track's title: Revolution
Game developer(s): TeamTNT
Released by: TeamTNT
Platform: MS-DOS, Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Year: 2017

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 04: Delirium Tremens - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 04: Delirium Tremens - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 04: Delirium Tremens
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-03-2024
Duration: 12:49

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 03: Summit of Mt. Death - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 03: Summit of Mt. Death - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 03: Summit of Mt. Death
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-02-2024
Duration: 06:10

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 02: The Oracles - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 02: The Oracles - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 02: The Oracles
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 04-01-2024
Duration: 06:51

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 01: Glowstyx - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

Made by Matt Eldrydge.

DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 01: Glowstyx - DBP34: Luminous Gloom

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: DBP 34: Luminous Gloom + Pvt. Stone | Map 01: Glowstyx
Composer(s): Matt Eldrydge
Original composer(s): James Paddock (Jimmy), Jeremy Doyle, Lee Jackson, Parallax
Released on: 03-31-2024
Duration: 06:45

Original game information
Game: DBP34: Luminous Gloom
Game developer(s): Jon Vail (40oz)
Released by: Doomer Boards Community
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Malevolent Markings - Daily 2024 Music Upload (084 / 366) - Eltrotraw

Made by Eltrotraw.

Malevolent Markings - Daily 2024 Music Upload (084 / 366) - Eltrotraw

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Malevolent Markings - Daily 2024 Music Upload (084 / 366)
Composer(s): Eltrotraw
Released on: 03-26-2024
Duration: 05:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Malevolent Markings
Year: 2024

Dark MIDI - Guiding Light (Roblox Doors) - LSPLASH

Made by Fantacoil.

Dark MIDI - Guiding Light (Roblox Doors) - LSPLASH

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Dark MIDI - Guiding Light (Roblox Doors)
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): LSPLASH
Released on: 03-23-2024
Duration: 03:55

Original game information
Game: Roblox DOORS
Original track's title: Guiding Light
Game developer(s): LSPLASH
Released by: LSPLASH
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] Spajro's Nuke | 727 Million Notes

Made by Spajro.

[Black MIDI] Spajro's Nuke | 727 Million Notes

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Spajro's Nuke | 727 Million Notes
Composer(s): Spajro
Released on: 03-23-2024
Duration: 21:51

Original song information
Original track's title: Spajro's Nuke | 727 Million Notes
Year: 2024

Grim Grave - Daily 2024 Music Upload (079 / 366) - Eltrotraw

Made by Eltrotraw.

Grim Grave - Daily 2024 Music Upload (079 / 366) - Eltrotraw

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Grim Grave - Daily 2024 Music Upload (079 / 366)
Composer(s): Eltrotraw
Released on: 03-21-2024
Duration: 04:04

Original song information
Original track's title: Grim Grave
Year: 2024

[Black MIDI] 97 - Replication - Aiyui

Made by Fantacoil.

[Black MIDI] 97 - Replication - Aiyui

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] 97 - Replication
Composer(s): Aiyui
Released on: 03-21-2024
Duration: 02:58

Original song information
Original track's title: Replication
Year: 2018

[Base MIDI] asdfmovie - I Like Trains - asdfmovie2

Made by Fantacoil.

[Base MIDI] asdfmovie - I Like Trains - asdfmovie2

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Base MIDI] asdfmovie - I Like Trains
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): Stephen Grant
Released on: 03-21-2024
Duration: 02:32

Original film information
Film: asdfmovie2
Original track's title: I Like Trains
Film director(s): Tom Ska
Released by: Tom Ska
Year: 2009

[Black MIDI] Not Impossible | 65 Million - HRK. EXEX (Not impossible - 65 Million)

Made by GuyMan123 .

[Black MIDI] Not Impossible | 65 Million - HRK. EXEX (Not impossible - 65 Million)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Not Impossible | 65 Million
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 03-21-2024
Duration: 03:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Not impossible - 65 Million
Year: 2020

6000 trillion notes in 10 second - POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker (6000 trillion notes in 10 seconds)

Made by Jm2306.

6000 trillion notes in 10 second - POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker (6000 trillion notes in 10 seconds)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: 6000 trillion notes in 10 second
Composer(s): Jm2306
Original composer(s): POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker
Released on: 03-21-2024
Duration: 00:27

Original song information
Original track's title: 6000 trillion notes in 10 seconds
Year: 2024

[Vigor] MAP15: Amazon HQ (UV-Max Demo) - James Paddock (Jimmy), Stuart Rynn (stewboy), Mr. Freeze, Bobby Prince, STILES, Kevin Schilder, Brayden Hart (AD_79), Hellish Godzilla, Jamie Robertson, DCG Retrowave, Petter Mårtensen
(DOOM II) Hell Revealations - Map 21: Softcore - UV-MAX in 7:17 - Lee Jackson, Metabolist, Thyrbse, Doomkid, Megarace, Death, Finntroll, Primeval, Night and Magenta, Cacodemon187, Large Cat, stewboy, Tristan Clark, Arsinikk, Cammy, Jimmy and Alfonzo, Synami, apb, Bobby Prince, Rammstein, Jimmy
std_new_tetris_blocks_v4 | 6 million notes - Simba's Piano Elipse (MIDI Art and Tetris Block Arts v4)

Made by FFW the creator midis & music.

std_new_tetris_blocks_v4 | 6 million notes - Simba's Piano Elipse (MIDI Art and Tetris Block Arts v4)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: std_new_tetris_blocks_v4 | 6 million notes
Composer(s): Simba's Piano Elipse
Released on: 03-16-2024
Duration: 01:59

Original song information
Original track's title: MIDI Art and Tetris Block Arts v4
Year: 2021

FreeDM 0.13.0 OST SoundFont Combo - Freedoom Project

Made by Retro Videogame Soundtracks.

FreeDM 0.13.0 OST SoundFont Combo - Freedoom Project

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: FreeDM 0.13.0 OST SoundFont Combo
Composer(s): Freedoom Project
Released on: 03-13-2024
Duration: 01:21:04

Original game information
Game: FreeDM
Game developer(s): Freedoom Project
Released by: Freedoom Project
Platform: Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, MS-DOS, Android, iOS
Year: 2003

[Vigor] MAP10: Alma Matters (UV-Max Demo) - James Paddock (Jimmy), Stuart Rynn (stewboy), Mr. Freeze, Bobby Prince, STILES, Kevin Schilder, Brayden Hart (AD_79), Hellish Godzilla, Jamie Robertson, DCG Retrowave, Petter Mårtensen
[Dark MIDI] Golden Hour | 558k notes - JVKE

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[Dark MIDI] Golden Hour | 558k notes - JVKE

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Dark MIDI] Golden Hour | 558k notes
Composer(s): Ardi Hacker BMI
Original composer(s): JVKE
Released on: 03-06-2024
Duration: 04:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Golden Hour
Year: 2022

My Profile (March-April 2024) - MIDI Art - Fantacoil

Made by Fantacoil.

My Profile (March-April 2024) - MIDI Art - Fantacoil

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: My Profile (March-April 2024) - MIDI Art
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Released on: 03-01-2024
Duration: 00:36

Original song information
Original track's title: My Profile (March-April 2024) - MIDI Art
Year: 2024

kaitei.sfarr - Tofu_A (Undersea Morse Deciphering - Kaitei)

Made by ytavideo.

kaitei.sfarr - Tofu_A (Undersea Morse Deciphering  - Kaitei)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: kaitei.sfarr
Composer(s): ytavideo
Original composer(s): Tofu_A
Released on: 02-24-2024
Duration: 04:29

Original song information
Original track's title: Undersea Morse Deciphering (Kaitei)
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] Rush E god | 51.033 million notes - Sheet Music Boss

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[Black MIDI] Rush E god | 51.033 million notes - Sheet Music Boss

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Rush E god | 51.033 million notes
Composer(s): Sheet Music Boss
Released on: 02-21-2024
Duration: 02:35

Original song information
Original track's title: RUSH E
Year: 2018

(DOOM II) Hell Revealations - Map 06: Heavy Damage - UV-MAX in 6:03 - Lee Jackson, Metabolist, Thyrbse, Doomkid, Megarace, Death, Finntroll, Primeval, Night and Magenta, Cacodemon187, Large Cat, stewboy, Tristan Clark, Arsinikk, Cammy, Jimmy and Alfonzo, Synami, apb, Bobby Prince, Rammstein, Jimmy
Average Fight from an Overconfident Brute (payneful!underswap) (Bontrousle) - Undertale (Bonestroule)

Made by Poppy Payne.

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Average Fight from an Overconfident Brute (payneful!underswap) (Bontrousle)
Composer(s): Toby Fox
Released on: 02-21-2024
Duration: 02:08

Original game information
Game: Undertale
Original track's title: Bonestroule
Game developer(s): Toby Fox
Released by: Toby Fox
Platform: Windows, Mac OS X
Year: 2015

Jungle Adventures - Overworld (Arachno SoundFont) - Daphne Baker

Made by Simone Piervergili.

Jungle Adventures - Overworld (Arachno SoundFont) - Daphne Baker

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Jungle Adventures - Overworld (Arachno SoundFont)
Composer(s): Simone Piervergili
Original composer(s): Daphne Baker
Released on: 02-21-2024
Duration: 01:20

Original game information
Game: Jungle Adventures
Original track's title: Adventures
Game developer(s): Rendered Ideas
Released by: Rendered Ideas
Platform: Android, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2015

Arrival OST SoundFont Combo - Brayden Hart (AD_79)

Made by Retro Videogame Soundtracks.

Arrival OST SoundFont Combo - Brayden Hart (AD_79)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Arrival OST SoundFont Combo
Composer(s): Brayden Hart (AD_79)
Released on: 02-19-2024
Duration: 01:05:08

Original game information
Game: Arrival
Game developer(s): Walker Wright (Pavera)
Released by: Walker Wright (Pavera)
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Toilet Story 6 by op67 and lexon blackzz | Bouncing Square - Ghidorah

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

Toilet Story 6 by op67 and lexon blackzz | Bouncing Square - Ghidorah

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Toilet Story 6 by op67 and lexon blackzz | Bouncing Square
Composer(s): Ghidorah
Released on: 02-10-2024
Duration: 02:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Toilet Story 6
Year: 2017

[Black MIDI] 55 Quintillion Notes In 30 Seconds Real Notecount - 4.21M Notes - POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker

Made by KioneYT #RoadTo3000.

[Black MIDI] 55 Quintillion Notes In 30 Seconds Real Notecount - 4.21M Notes - POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI] 55 Quintillion Notes In 30 Seconds Real Notecount - 4.21M Notes
Composer(s): KioneYT #RoadTo3000
Original composer(s): POPORAAKI, Ardi Hacker
Released on: 02-08-2024
Duration: 00:36

Original song information
Original track's title: 55 quintillion notes in 30 seconds
Year: 2024

[Nut MIDI] sierpinutski - 11.94M Notes - Deca Quitin

Made by KioneYT #RoadTo3000.

[Nut MIDI] sierpinutski - 11.94M Notes - Deca Quitin

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Nut MIDI] sierpinutski - 11.94M Notes
Composer(s): Deca Quitin
Released on: 02-05-2024
Duration: 01:15

Original song information
Original track's title: Sierpinutski
Year: 2021

[Nut MIDI] sierpinutski2 - 20.88M Notes - Deca Quitin

Made by KioneYT #RoadTo3000.

[Nut MIDI] sierpinutski2 - 20.88M Notes - Deca Quitin

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Nut MIDI] sierpinutski2 - 20.88M Notes
Composer(s): Deca Quitin
Released on: 02-05-2024
Duration: 01:19

Original song information
Original track's title: Sierpinutski2
Year: 2021

[Nut MIDI] unnut - 153.60K Notes - Deca Quitin (unnut.mid)

Made by KioneYT #RoadTo3000.

[Nut MIDI] unnut - 153.60K Notes - Deca Quitin (unnut.mid)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Nut MIDI] unnut - 153.60K Notes
Composer(s): Deca Quitin
Released on: 02-05-2024
Duration: 01:12

Original song information
Original track's title: unnut.mid
Year: 2021

[Claustrophobia 1024] MAP21: Padma (UV-Max Demo) - Eric Baker (The Green Herring), Mark Klem, Brian Fountain, Stuart Rynn (stewboy), James Paddock (Jimmy), Josh Simpson (EarthQuake), Paul Corfiatis, Churute, David Shaw (Tolwyn), Frater L.V.X., Iceplug, Dan Wentz, Lee Jackson, Rafael Amoroso Borges, Rodolfo Amoroso Borges, Teck, Jeremy Doyle, Bobby Prince, Jay Reichard, Jerryteacup, CarboHydroM, Hazvex, Dimmu Borgir, solis
Señorita K.K. (feat. Isabelle) - K.K. Slither, Isabelle

Made by K.K. Slither.

Señorita K.K. (feat. Isabelle) - K.K. Slither, Isabelle

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Señorita K.K. (feat. Isabelle)
Composer(s): K.K. Slither
Original composer(s): K.K. Slither, Isabelle
Released on: 01-21-2024
Duration: 03:15

Original song information
Original track's title: Señorita K.K.
Year: 2024

003 - Transhumanism [Nima's Redemption] - Deltarune

Made by Poppy Payne.

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: 003 - Transhumanism [Nima's Redemption]
Composer(s): Toby Fox
Released on: 01-19-2024
Duration: 01:52

Original game information
Game: Deltarune
Game developer(s): Toby Fox
Released by: Toby Fox
Platform: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
Year: 2018

Not Even Remotely Fair OST SoundFont Combo - MegaSphere, Dwars, decino

Made by Retro Videogame Soundtracks.

Not Even Remotely Fair OST SoundFont Combo - MegaSphere, Dwars, decino

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Not Even Remotely Fair OST SoundFont Combo
Composer(s): Retro Videogame Soundtracks
Original composer(s): MegaSphere, Dwars, decino
Released on: 01-19-2024
Duration: 01:37:21

Original game information
Game: Not Even Remotely Fair
Game developer(s): Peter Lawrence (MegaSphere), BENCHY, BooTheJudge, Dwars, Christophine Place, Xulgonoth, Anarkipls, borogk
Released by: Peter, BENCHY, BooTheJudge, Dwars, Christophine Place, Xulgonoth, Anarkipls, borogk
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2022

Generations Part 9: Generation In As - Second Harmonic Generation

Made by Second Harmonic Generation.

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Generations Part 9: Generation In As
Composer(s): Second Harmonic Generation
Released on: 12-29-2023
Duration: 05:02

Original song information
Original track's title: Generation In As
Year: 2024

[Black MIDI] Danidanijr's Darkness V2 ~ 29.7 Million - Danidanjir, Orangepaprika 67

Made by GuyMan123 .

[Black MIDI] Danidanijr's Darkness V2 ~ 29.7 Million - Danidanjir, Orangepaprika 67

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Danidanijr's Darkness V2 ~ 29.7 Million
Composer(s): Danidanijr
Original composer(s): Danidanjir, Orangepaprika 67
Released on: 12-22-2023
Duration: 02:24

Original song information
Original track's title: Danidanijr's Darkness
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] HRK's Lag Tester 4 | 9M+ Notes - HRK. EXEX

Made by greenweegee.

[Black MIDI] HRK's Lag Tester 4 | 9M+ Notes - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] HRK's Lag Tester 4 | 9M+ Notes
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 11-30-2023
Duration: 01:20

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

Beccore (Beakcore) - MP Special

Made by MP Special.

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Beccore (Beakcore)
Composer(s): MP Special
Released on: 11-26-2023
Duration: 02:33

Original song information
Original track's title: Beccore (Beakcore)
Year: 2023

[Black MIDI] Blue Archive - Unwelcome School Community Merge - 21,71 Million - TheAiHoshinoMediaVietnamMaker6912, BLUE_MIDI, manjijuiblackmidichannel3718, Atty304, NewFall milestailsprower4555, Jadonthefish

Made by GuyMan123 .

[Black MIDI] Blue Archive - Unwelcome School Community Merge - 21,71 Million - TheAiHoshinoMediaVietnamMaker6912, BLUE_MIDI, manjijuiblackmidichannel3718, Atty304, NewFall milestailsprower4555,  Jadonthefish

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Blue Archive - Unwelcome School Community Merge - 21,71 Million
Composer(s): Blue
Original composer(s): TheAiHoshinoMediaVietnamMaker6912, BLUE_MIDI, manjijuiblackmidichannel3718, Atty304, NewFall milestailsprower4555, Jadonthefish
Released on: 11-22-2023
Duration: 01:39

Original song information
Original track's title: Blue Archive - Unwelcome School Community Merge - 21,71 Million
Year: 2023

[My Largest Black MIDI] ARDI HACKER'S 5 TRILLION LAG TESTER | 5 trillion notes

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[My Largest Black MIDI] ARDI HACKER'S 5 TRILLION LAG TESTER | 5 trillion notes

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [My Largest Black MIDI] ARDI HACKER'S 5 TRILLION LAG TESTER | 5 trillion notes
Composer(s): Ardi Hacker
Released on: 11-21-2023
Duration: 01:12

Original song information
Original track's title: ARDI HACKER'S 5 TRILLION LAG TESTER
Year: 2023

When ooo000 isn't home Pfaviz run - Zeria (When Mom isn't Home)

Made by Chmonya's Piano.

When ooo000 isn't home Pfaviz run - Zeria (When Mom isn't Home)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: When ooo000 isn't home Pfaviz run
Composer(s): Zeria
Released on: 11-21-2023
Duration: 05:30

Original song information
Original track's title: When Mom isn't Home
Year: 2018

[Black MIDI] RE; Start Collab | 20.48 Million - HRK. EXEX, Danidanijr V2, Lil Blue_Inkling, Orangepaprika 67 (RE; Start - Collab)

Made by GuyMan123 .

[Black MIDI] RE; Start Collab | 20.48 Million - HRK. EXEX, Danidanijr V2, Lil Blue_Inkling, Orangepaprika 67 (RE; Start - Collab)

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] RE; Start Collab | 20.48 Million
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX, Danidanijr V2, Lil Blue_Inkling, Orangepaprika 67
Released on: 11-21-2023
Duration: 03:01

Original song information
Original track's title: RE; Start - Collab
Year: 2022


Made by BranimationStation.


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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 11-20-2023
Duration: 01:07

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] Walls of Life | 12.34 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[Black MIDI] Walls of Life | 12.34 million notes - HRK. EXEX

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Walls of Life | 12.34 million notes
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 11-17-2023
Duration: 02:43

Original song information
Original track's title: Walls of Life
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] NASA computer tester upgraded and remastered | 12.46 million notes - Wagner Ramos

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[Black MIDI] NASA computer tester upgraded and remastered | 12.46 million notes - Wagner Ramos

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] NASA computer tester upgraded and remastered | 12.46 million notes
Composer(s): Wagner Ramos
Released on: 11-14-2023
Duration: 00:39

Original song information
Original track's title: NASA Computer Tester
Year: 2021

Ozonia OST Arachno SoundFont - Vulcano Dam - Deadwing

Made by Ti0Luch0.

Ozonia OST Arachno SoundFont - Vulcano Dam - Deadwing

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Ozonia OST Arachno SoundFont - Vulcano Dam
Composer(s): Deadwing
Released on: 11-11-2023
Duration: 05:03

Original game information
Game: Ozonia
Game developer(s): Deadwing
Released by: Deadwing
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] Perpetual Challenge | 13.49 million notes - Zayeal Keys

Made by Ardi Hacker BMI.

[Black MIDI] Perpetual Challenge | 13.49 million notes - Zayeal Keys

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Perpetual Challenge | 13.49 million notes
Composer(s): Zayeal Keys
Released on: 11-08-2023
Duration: 02:32

Original song information
Original track's title: Perpetual Challenge | 13.49 million notes
Year: 2023

(DOOM II) Slaughterfest 3 - Map 20: Red Recluse - UV-MAX in 25:21 - Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks), Mark Klem, Maxime Tondreau (Psychedelic Eyeball), Jonathan El-Bizri, Lee Jackson, Jay Reichard (silentzorah), Kevin Schilder, James Paddock (Jimmy), David Shaw (Tolwyn), Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium), Stuart Rynn (stewboy), Petter Mårtensen (Thyrbse), Glenn Stafford
[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 3 | 12.48 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Made by Black MIDI Indonesia Team.

[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 3 | 12.48 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 3 | 12.48 million notes
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 10-28-2023
Duration: 01:05

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 4 | 9.18 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Made by Black MIDI Indonesia Team.

[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 4 | 9.18 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 4 | 9.18 million notes
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 10-28-2023
Duration: 01:19

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 5 | 12.07 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Made by Black MIDI Indonesia Team.

[Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 5 | 12.07 million notes - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black MIDI] HRK'S LAG TESTER 5 | 12.07 million notes
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 10-27-2023
Duration: 01:35

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

【4K・MIDI・Arachno Soundfont】Compile COMET SUMMONER・コメットサマナー - Original Soundtrack - Einosuke Nagao, Seiichi Takamoto, Comoesta Higashi-Totsuka, kaos

Made by Mylstar Electronics.

【4K・MIDI・Arachno Soundfont】Compile COMET SUMMONER・コメットサマナー - Original Soundtrack - Einosuke Nagao, Seiichi Takamoto, Comoesta Higashi-Totsuka, kaos

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: 【4K・MIDI・Arachno Soundfont】Compile COMET SUMMONER・コメットサマナー - Original Soundtrack
Composer(s): Mylstar Electronics
Original composer(s): Einosuke Nagao, Seiichi Takamoto, Comoesta Higashi-Totsuka, kaos
Released on: 10-21-2023
Duration: 10:24

Original game information
Game: Comet Summoner
Game developer(s): Compile
Released by: Compile
Platform: MSX2
Year: 1998

Benny Oschmann - Age Of Heroes (Arachno SoundFont)

Made by Simone Piervergili.

Benny Oschmann - Age Of Heroes (Arachno SoundFont)

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Benny Oschmann - Age Of Heroes (Arachno SoundFont)
Composer(s): Simone Piervergili
Original composer(s): Benny Oschmann
Released on: 10-03-2023
Duration: 02:29

Original song information
Original track's title: Age Of Heroes
Year: 2021

Low Sirens Noises But with Reverb | MIDI speeding

Made by Huy Gia Grapes 🍇.

Low Sirens Noises But with Reverb | MIDI speeding

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Low Sirens Noises But with Reverb | MIDI speeding
Composer(s): Huy Gia Grapes 🍇
Released on: 09-27-2023
Duration: 01:59

Original song information
Original track's title: Low Sirens Noises
Year: 2021

[Black Midi | Reupload] Toilet Story 4 - 712K | KF2015 (UMP Test) - Ghidorah (Toilet Story 4 U)

Made by RaySquareMid.

[Black Midi | Reupload] Toilet Story 4 - 712K | KF2015 (UMP Test) - Ghidorah (Toilet Story 4 U)

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [Black Midi | Reupload] Toilet Story 4 - 712K | KF2015 (UMP Test)
Composer(s): Ghidorah
Released on: 09-24-2023
Duration: 03:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Toilet Story 4 U
Year: 2002

(DOOM II) Slaughterfest 3 - Map 32: Pacman - UV-MAX in 14:10 - Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks), Mark Klem, Maxime Tondreau (Psychedelic Eyeball), Jonathan El-Bizri, Lee Jackson, Jay Reichard (silentzorah), Kevin Schilder, James Paddock (Jimmy), David Shaw (Tolwyn), Sarah Mancuso (esselfortium), Stuart Rynn (stewboy), Petter Mårtensen (Thyrbse), Glenn Stafford
[Black MIDI] Yamato Nadeshiko - Koi No Tenshi Mai Orite | Merge Showcase 8.2 Million notes - Love Hina

Made by Hydryi II.

[Black MIDI] Yamato Nadeshiko - Koi No Tenshi Mai Orite | Merge Showcase 8.2 Million notes - Love Hina

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI] Yamato Nadeshiko - Koi No Tenshi Mai Orite | Merge Showcase 8.2 Million notes
Composer(s): Hydryi II
Original composer(s): Yamato Nadeshiko
Released on: 09-21-2023
Duration: 04:56

Original film information
Film: Love Hina
Original track's title: Koi no Tenshi Mai Orite
Film director(s): Yoshiaki Iwasaki
Released by: TV Tokyo
Year: 2000

[ Black MIDI ] HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ HRK.EXEX | 12.08 Mil (Legit Run) - HRK. EXEX

Made by music xplot.

[ Black MIDI ] HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ HRK.EXEX | 12.08 Mil (Legit Run) - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [ Black MIDI ] HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ HRK.EXEX | 12.08 Mil (Legit Run)
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 09-10-2023
Duration: 02:47

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

Satin Dreams - Ronald Karle

Made by Ronald Karle.

Satin Dreams - Ronald Karle

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Satin Dreams
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 08-29-2023
Duration: 03:15

Original song information
Original track's title: Satin Dreams
Year: 2020

Layers By Ronald J. Karle - Ronald Karle

Made by Ronald Karle.

Layers By Ronald J.  Karle - Ronald Karle

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Layers By Ronald J. Karle
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 08-21-2023
Duration: 07:18

Original song information
Original track's title: Layers
Year: 2023

Creative Fox - Sweet City (Arachno SoundFont) - Shing HK

Made by Simone Piervergili.

Creative Fox - Sweet City (Arachno SoundFont) - Shing HK

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Creative Fox - Sweet City (Arachno SoundFont)
Composer(s): Simone Piervergili
Original composer(s): Shing HK
Released on: 08-01-2023
Duration: 05:01

Original game information
Game: Creative Fox
Game developer(s): Shing HK
Released by: Shing HK
Platform: Android
Year: 2021

"The Cause" Sheet Music - Ronald Karle

Made by Ronald Karle.

"The Cause" Sheet Music - Ronald Karle

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: "The Cause" Sheet Music
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 07-10-2023
Duration: 03:25

Original song information
Original track's title: The Cause
Year: 2021

The Eve of Solitude - Ronald Karle

Made by Ronald Karle.

The Eve of Solitude - Ronald Karle

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: The Eve of Solitude
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 07-07-2023
Duration: 04:17

Original song information
Original track's title: The Eve of Solitude
Year: 2023

Dark MIDI - The Binding Of Isaac Repentance - Stargazer (Planetarium) - The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance

Made by Fantacoil.

Dark MIDI - The Binding Of Isaac Repentance - Stargazer (Planetarium) - The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Dark MIDI - The Binding Of Isaac Repentance - Stargazer (Planetarium)
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): Matthias Bossi, Jon Evans
Released on: 07-06-2023
Duration: 02:56

Original game information
Game: The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance
Level: Planetarium
Original track's title: Stargazer
Game developer(s): Nicalis, Edmund McMillen
Released by: Nicalis
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series
Year: 2021

Dark MIDI - Elevator Jam (Roblox DOORS) - LSPLASH (Floor 1 - Hotel)

Made by Fantacoil.

Dark MIDI - Elevator Jam (Roblox DOORS) - LSPLASH (Floor 1  - Hotel)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Dark MIDI - Elevator Jam (Roblox DOORS)
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): LSPLASH
Released on: 07-05-2023
Duration: 02:53

Original game information
Game: Roblox DOORS
Level: Floor 1 (Hotel)
Original track's title: Elevator Jam
Game developer(s): LSPLASH
Released by: LSPLASH
Platform: Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

(Lag Tester Black MIDI) HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ 2 Way Comparison (Zen vs Zen+) R5 1600 vs R5 3550H - HRK. EXEX

Made by OKBranflakes.

(Lag Tester Black MIDI) HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ 2 Way Comparison (Zen vs Zen+) R5 1600 vs R5 3550H - HRK. EXEX

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: (Lag Tester Black MIDI) HRK's Lag Tester 5 ~ 2 Way Comparison (Zen vs Zen+) R5 1600 vs R5 3550H
Composer(s): HRK. EXEX
Released on: 07-01-2023
Duration: 02:24

Original song information
Original track's title: HRK'S LAG TESTER
Year: 2021

[My Art MIDI] Funnels made by me 2 - MIDI Player

Made by MIDI Player.

[My Art MIDI] Funnels made by me 2 - MIDI Player

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: [My Art MIDI] Funnels made by me 2
Composer(s): MIDI Player
Released on: 06-30-2023
Duration: 00:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Funnels
Year: 2023

(DOOM II) Alien Vendetta - Map 04: Seclusion - UV-FAST in 6:10 - Chris Laverdure (Dashiva)
Bel oiseau (Pretty Bird) - MP Special

Made by MP Special.

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Bel oiseau (Pretty Bird)
Composer(s): MP Special
Released on: 06-24-2023
Duration: 04:12

Original song information
Original track's title: Bel oiseau (Pretty Bird)
Year: 2023

Freedom dive on Pianofall - Cytus

Made by Basarin.

Freedom dive on Pianofall - Cytus

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Freedom dive on Pianofall
Composer(s): Basarin
Released on: 06-21-2023
Duration: 04:43

Original game information
Game: Cytus
Original track's title: Freedom Dive
Game developer(s): Rayark Games
Released by: Rayark Games
Platform: Apple iOS
Year: 2012

Beauty in the Eye - Ronald Karle

Made by Ronald Karle.

Beauty in the Eye - Ronald Karle

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Beauty in the Eye
Composer(s): Ronald Karle
Released on: 06-21-2023
Duration: 04:19

Original song information
Original track's title: Beauty in the Eye
Year: 2023

Generation In A f - Second Harmonic Generation

Made by Second Harmonic Generation.

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Generation In A f
Composer(s): Second Harmonic Generation
Released on: 06-10-2023
Duration: 04:11

Original song information
Original track's title: Generation In A f
Year: 2023

(DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 22: The Resistance Will Go On - UV-MAX in 16:05 - NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)

Made by Daymond (VwV).

(DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 22: The Resistance Will Go On - UV-MAX in 16:05 - NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: (DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 22: The Resistance Will Go On - UV-MAX in 16:05
Composer(s): Daymond (VwV)
Original composer(s): Radix, Elmobo (Moby), Slightly Magic, xtd, Xaser, Cube, Knightrider of Doom, Psyrus, jpx, imode, hnk, HGE, Zero Prophet, Skaven
Released on: 06-08-2023
Duration: 16:16

Original game information
Game: NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)
Game developer(s): NoReason
Released by: NoReason
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

NASA computer tester (UPGRADED AND REMASTERED) PFAviz No Lag - Wagner Ramos

Made by Chmonya's Piano.

NASA computer tester (UPGRADED AND REMASTERED) PFAviz No Lag - Wagner Ramos

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: NASA computer tester (UPGRADED AND REMASTERED) PFAviz No Lag
Composer(s): Chmonya's Piano
Original composer(s): Wagner Ramos
Released on: 06-01-2023
Duration: 00:38

Original song information
Original track's title: NASA Computer Tester
Year: 2021

Dark MIDI - Yee - Revergo

Made by Fantacoil.

Dark MIDI - Yee - Revergo

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Dark MIDI - Yee
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): Revergo
Released on: 05-31-2023
Duration: 02:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Yee
Year: 2012

ORDER but with Arachno SF - UltraDoom - ORDER

Made by Darkness.

ORDER but with Arachno SF - UltraDoom - ORDER

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: ORDER but with Arachno SF
Composer(s): Gozinta82
Released on: 05-28-2023
Duration: 04:16

Original game information
Game: UltraDoom - ORDER
Game developer(s): Gozinta82
Released by: Gozinta82
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

[Base MIDI] Alter Bridge - Broken Wings

Made by Fantacoil.

[Base MIDI] Alter Bridge - Broken Wings

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Base MIDI] Alter Bridge - Broken Wings
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): Alter Bridge
Released on: 05-24-2023
Duration: 05:04

Original song information
Original track's title: Broken Wings
Year: 2004

[F**king Huge MIDI] Overseas Sexy Guys - 16.35 BILLION NOTES (Collab with GayGirlfriend01) - Atty304000, GayGirlfriend01

Made by Atty 304000.

[F**king Huge MIDI] Overseas Sexy Guys - 16.35 BILLION NOTES (Collab with GayGirlfriend01) - Atty304000, GayGirlfriend01

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [F**king Huge MIDI] Overseas Sexy Guys - 16.35 BILLION NOTES (Collab with GayGirlfriend01)
Composer(s): Atty 304000
Original composer(s): Atty304000, GayGirlfriend01
Released on: 05-21-2023
Duration: 01:03

Original song information
Original track's title: Overseas Sexy Guys
Year: 2023

[Black MIDI - Community Merge] Girlfriend Fantasia (AKA. Lesbian Kissing 48) - ????????? NOTES - Atty304000, Blue MIDI, GayGirlfriend01, S99S S99S S99S, Mandu MIDI Channel, AHPGamer2022

Made by Atty 304000.

[Black MIDI - Community Merge] Girlfriend Fantasia (AKA. Lesbian Kissing 48) - ????????? NOTES - Atty304000, Blue MIDI, GayGirlfriend01, S99S S99S S99S, Mandu MIDI Channel, AHPGamer2022

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: [Black MIDI - Community Merge] Girlfriend Fantasia (AKA. Lesbian Kissing 48) - ????????? NOTES
Composer(s): Atty 304000
Original composer(s): Atty304000, Blue MIDI, GayGirlfriend01, S99S S99S S99S, Mandu MIDI Channel, AHPGamer2022
Released on: 05-20-2023
Duration: 01:21

Original song information
Original track's title: Girlfriend Fantasia (AKA. Lesbian Kissing 48)
Year: 2023

(DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 12: Factory Chambers - UV-MAX in 18:44 - NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)

Made by Daymond (VwV).

(DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 12: Factory Chambers - UV-MAX in 18:44 - NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: (DOOM II) NoSp2 - Map 12: Factory Chambers - UV-MAX in 18:44
Composer(s): Daymond (VwV)
Original composer(s): Radix, Elmobo (Moby), Slightly Magic, xtd, Xaser, Cube, Knightrider of Doom, Psyrus, jpx, imode, hnk, HGE, Zero Prophet, Skaven
Released on: 05-16-2023
Duration: 18:55

Original game information
Game: NoReason's Speedmaps 2 (NoSp2)
Game developer(s): NoReason
Released by: NoReason
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Dark MIDI - Cookie Run Kingdom - My Kingdom Theme - Kwak Kilmun, Jay Marie

Made by Fantacoil.

Dark MIDI - Cookie Run Kingdom - My Kingdom Theme - Kwak Kilmun, Jay Marie

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Dark MIDI - Cookie Run Kingdom - My Kingdom Theme
Composer(s): Fantacoil
Original composer(s): Kwak Kilmun, Jay Marie
Released on: 05-15-2023
Duration: 02:17

Original game information
Game: Cookie Run Kingdom
Original track's title: My Kingdom
Game developer(s): Devsisters
Released by: Devsisters, Line Corporation
Platform: iOS; Android
Year: 2021

IMPOSSIBLE REMIX - Alan Walker - Dreamer

Made by CrazyPianist2160.

IMPOSSIBLE REMIX - Alan Walker - Dreamer

Listen to or watch online:

Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: IMPOSSIBLE REMIX - Alan Walker - Dreamer
Composer(s): CrazyPianist2160
Original composer(s): Alan Walker
Released on: 05-02-2023
Duration: 00:04

Original song information
Original track's title: Dreamer
Year: 2003

Arrival (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - Brayden Hart (AD_79)

Made by Wally Hackenslacker.

Arrival (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - Brayden Hart (AD_79)

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Arrival (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack
Composer(s): Brayden Hart (AD_79)
Released on: 05-01-2023
Duration: 01:05:22

Original game information
Game: Arrival
Game developer(s): Walker Wright (Pavera)
Released by: Walker Wright (Pavera)
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

(DOOM II) Stardate 20x7 - Map 03: Amethyst III - UV-MAX in 14:21 - Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks), SeraphSnake, James Paddock, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Jeremy Soule, Jon Holland, Artful Dodger, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yuzo Koshiro

Made by Daymond (VwV).

(DOOM II) Stardate 20x7 - Map 03: Amethyst III - UV-MAX in 14:21 - Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks), SeraphSnake, James Paddock, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Jeremy Soule, Jon Holland, Artful Dodger, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yuzo Koshiro

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: (DOOM II) Stardate 20x7 - Map 03: Amethyst III - UV-MAX in 14:21
Composer(s): Daymond (VwV)
Original composer(s): Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks), SeraphSnake, James Paddock, John Weekley (PRIMEVAL), Jeremy Soule, Jon Holland, Artful Dodger, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yuzo Koshiro
Released on: 04-29-2023
Duration: 14:44

Original game information
Game: Stardate 20X7
Game developer(s): Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks)
Released by: Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks)
Platform: MS-DOS PC
Year: 2017

Jade Earth (SC-55 and Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - Mark Klem

Made by Wally Hackenslacker.

Jade Earth (SC-55 and Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - Mark Klem

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Jade Earth (SC-55 and Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack
Composer(s): Mark Klem
Released on: 04-27-2023
Duration: 21:26

Original game information
Game: Jade Earth
Game developer(s): Joonas Äijälä (Jodwin)
Released by: Joonas Äijälä (Jodwin)
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2010

(DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 16: Systematic Fragmentation - UV-MAX - NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)

Made by Daymond (VwV).

(DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 16: Systematic Fragmentation - UV-MAX - NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: (DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 16: Systematic Fragmentation - UV-MAX
Composer(s): Daymond (VwV)
Original composer(s): Radix, Elmobo (Moby), Slightly Magic, xtd, Xaser, Cube, Knightrider of Doom, Psyrus, jpx, imode, hnk, HGE, Zero Prophet, Skaven
Released on: 04-21-2023
Duration: 10:51

Original game information
Game: NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)
Game developer(s): NoReason
Released by: NoReason
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Miku finds a pipe bomb and dies, but it's a Black MIDI - Hatsune Miku (Woah Pipe Bomb)

Made by Partitionhlep.

Miku finds a pipe bomb and dies, but it's a Black MIDI - Hatsune Miku (Woah Pipe Bomb)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: Miku finds a pipe bomb and dies, but it's a Black MIDI
Composer(s): Partitionhlep
Original composer(s): Hatsune Miku
Released on: 04-21-2023
Duration: 00:14

Original song information
Original track's title: Woah Pipe Bomb
Year: 2022

Holy Hell (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - JK

Made by Wally Hackenslacker.

Holy Hell (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack - JK

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Holy Hell (Arachno) - Doom WAD Soundtrack
Composer(s): JK
Released on: 04-21-2023
Duration: 18:59

Original game information
Game: Holy Hell
Game developer(s): JK
Released by: JK
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2006

(DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 14: Overheat - UV-MAX - NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)

Made by Daymond (VwV).

(DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 14: Overheat - UV-MAX - NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)

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Arrangement information
Source: Interpretation (cover) of original music
Title: (DOOM II) NoSp3 - Map 14: Overheat - UV-MAX
Composer(s): Daymond (VwV)
Original composer(s): Radix, Elmobo (Moby), Slightly Magic, xtd, Xaser, Cube, Knightrider of Doom, Psyrus, jpx, imode, hnk, HGE, Zero Prophet, Skaven
Released on: 04-20-2023
Duration: 06:06

Original game information
Game: NoReason's Speedmaps 3 (NoSp3)
Game developer(s): NoReason
Released by: NoReason
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

Thatcher's Techbase - L2VN (Arachno Soundfont) - Barry Topping

Made by alex.

Thatcher's Techbase - L2VN (Arachno Soundfont) - Barry Topping

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Arrangement information
Source: Original music
Title: Thatcher's Techbase - L2VN (Arachno Soundfont)
Composer(s): Barry Topping
Released on: 04-18-2023
Duration: 06:24

Original game information
Game: Thatcher's Techbase
Original track's title: L2VN
Game developer(s): Jim Purvis
Released by: 3D: Doom Daddy Digital
Platform: MS-DOS PC, Microsoft Windows
Year: 2021

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